Custom Solutions
The Design Team and Resources for Your Project
Simulution will put together the design team and resources appropriate to your project. They will create a unique and highly functional medical simulator that fits your ideal training needs.
Standard Textbook Anatomy • Custom Medical Illustration • Medical Imaging of Normal or Pathological Organs & Structures
Sculpting • Fabrication • Three Dimensions Scanning • Three-Dimensional Computer Aided Design
Three-Dimensional Virtual Model • Mockup and Fabrication • Rapid Prototyping
Simulution has the expertise to attack the often very difficult task of mimicking tissue properties with manufactured materials due to our experience in molding and fabrication of:
Urethanes • Silicones • Vinyls • Foam • Latex • Thermoplastics
Simulution has the flexibility in manufacturing to produce your product in limited or full production quantities. Our manufacturing resources include:
Two-part RTV Molding • Injection Molding • Rotational Molding • Vacuum Forming
Curricula Integration
Simulution will work with subject experts to integrate suggested exercises, assessments, and partially or fully validated curriculum with your model.
Request a Quote
Tell us about your project. Simulution will happily work with you to develop a custom tailored solution to your training need. Custom solutions range from simple variations of catalogue range products to “clean sheet” development of physical or virtual models or integrated physical/virtual training solutions.